Feb 6, 2007


I've recently come to the realization that I desperately need to plan my evening meal BEFORE evening these days. Especially with my new running program. After work, I run. After I run, I'm hungry. But the past two days, I've not done anything after the run, except write in my Marathon journal, and shower. When it comes to getting food together, half the time I don't know what I want, then I don't know what I HAVE that I could do, and I don't know what's CLEAN to cook in, and I don't know how long any given thing will take to make. I DO have a KIND of menu, and some recipes that I can bust out, but especially after the run, I'm just not in the mood to cook anything big. I'd rather just come home to something that's already hot, or really easy to just nuke in the microwave. So, I'm gonna have to plan something one of these days. I just watch too much TV. It's also what's distracted me from this entry for the last 30 minutes or so. But Bill O'Rielly on Oprah was interesting, and I really respect that guy's opinion. He's one of the few in this country who talks some sense, and isn't necessarily "PC." I hate PC.

Oh, and one more thing. Domino's Western Combi Pizza in Korea sucks! The crust is awesome, but instead of tomato sauce, it's like a nacho cheese sauce, GROSS!

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