Feb 20, 2007


Wow. I totally had bronchitis for a while there and didn't even know it. I think I'm through the worst of it now, though still coughing, but I read a lot about it on www.wikipedia.org, and my symptoms, and the events leading up to the bronchitis totally fit the descriptions given there. I had the flu before that (bronchitis often follows flu or cold), then I spent 5 hours in a smoke-filled PC room (smoke helps bring it on), and I inhaled air particles probably contaminated with something (from a humidifier filled with tap water). Wow, I really wish I knew some things BEFORE they happened to me, or I stumbled into them. Well, also according to the website, my cough may last a few months as my lungs and brachit... something repair themselves. Anyway, bronchitis, wow.

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